The information and items on this web-page are provided to assist in selecting and installing Pantera Electronics products.
Pantera Electronics sells these items, contact factory for price and delivery.
Very good crimp quality, ratcheting with
interchangeable jaws for factory de Tomaso
connector terminals. Paladin CrimpALL/8000
Good crimp quality for un-insulated
terminals. Klein Tool P/N: J1005
Crimp Tools
Good crimp quality for insulated
terminals. Tool Aid P/N: 18900
Buying Guide to Products and Services
1st Service: The ammeter has a design flaw and MUST be
addressed by either by using PE Ammeter Restoration or
replacing the ammeter with a modern design or voltmeter. By
using PE Ammeter Restoration the Pantera retains it’s factory
originality and value.
2nd Product: The most important is the Fuse Panel. This
distributes the electrical power to all accessories and critical
automotive functions
3rd Product: Replace the factory alternator and voltage regulator
which was rated at only 60 amps, not enough to maintain enough
current at low RPM and at maximum demands. The regulator is
an electromechanical type that degrades with use and regulation
is poor.
PE replacement alternator is a high current efficient design. The
fan that is superior to the common fans on most alternators. Its
internal regulator is a rugged design that regulates the voltage
better then single wire alternators.
4th Product: Ignition Switch Controller: supplies the electrical
current to the fuse panel. The ISC protects the ignition switch
from destructive high current and reduces mechanical wear.
5th Product: Headlight/Motor Controller: reduces the operating
current by sequencing the headlight current and motor current by
operating each independently.
It also removes high current from all associated switches
including the lift motor limit switches.
6th Product: The Radiator Fan Controller: adjusts the fan speed
to control the coolant leaving the radiator to 140 degrees this
allows the engine thermostat to control the engine temperature at
180 degrees.
7th Product: Rocker Switches for Headlights, Fan, Interior
Lights. Pantera Electronics rocker switches utilize internal relays
with 20 amp contacts and connect to the wire harness the same
as the factory switches. The switches illuminate for night and
have indicators for status.
the Console Switch Interface: protects the factory rocker switches
and provides additional features as modern automotive switches.
8th Product: Air Conditioning Controller: Extends condenser fan
motor time to one full minute after compressor turns off and
reduces fan cycling.
Replaces out-dated horn and compressor relay with modern relay
9th Product: LED Lighting: Improves visibility of the Pantera to
other drivers on the road. Brake lights illuminate 0.200 seconds
faster than light bulbs.
Frequently asked questions
(Q) Which Pantera Electronic product should I install
(A) The ATO Fuse Panel is the distribution of
electrical power through out the car. The factory Fuse
panel has many design deficiencies and cannot be
safely repaired. Replace the fuse panel first.
(Q) What priority order of Pantera Electronic products
should I install?
(A) See the “Buying Guide to Products and Services”
(Q) Is the temperature sensor for the RFC the same
as the temperature switches in the Fluidyne radiator?
(A) No, the temperature sensor included with the
RFC is not a temperature sensing switch.
You will need to purchase the Fluidyne radiator
adapter for the sensor.
(Q) Will I need 2 temperature sensors for the RFC to
replace both temperature switches in the radiator ?
(A) No. only the top sensor port is used on the
radiator, the other temperature switch can be left in
as a plug.
(Q) Are Pantera Electronics products compatible with
Bob Timma fuse panel and Rick Mosely relay kits?
(A) No, it is not recommend to install PE products
with “after-market kits”. “After-market kits” will require
removal before installing PE products. Many of our
customers find it worthwhile to remove the dated
fixes to up-grade to modern technology.
(Q) Are all Pantera Electronic products compatible
with each other?
(A) Yes, all Pantera Electroncis products are
compatible with each other ... some PE installation
manuals specify connections if multiple products are
(Q) Do I need an Electronic Flasher if I just have LED
tail lights?
(A) Yes, The factory flasher may flash too fast to
allow the LEDs to completely scroll across the taillight
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