Defective ammeter with melted and displaced terminal studs
de Tomaso Pantera Electrical Components
All electrical components are electrically tested before shipment to customers.We are the only de Tomaso Pantera vendor that has electrical engineering capabilities and possess electronic test equipment to offer this service.
Gauge Lamp Socket,2 terminalPart # GLS Price $7.00.Note a ground wire must be added.
Door Light SwitchPart # DLS,Price each $11.00
Oil Pressure SenderPart # OPSPrice $32.00
Veglia TachometerWe repair and calibrate the Veglia tachometer with precision and accurate electronic test equipment.Price $396.00
Temperature Gauge CompensatorPart # TGCPrice $25.00
Panteras with the Velgia temperature gauge that has a maximum temperature of 260 and the blue and red colored area will indicate a higher temperature than the actual engine temperature. In order to correct this PE designed the Temperature Gauge Compensator.The Temperature Gauge Compensator adjusts the electrical signal from the sender to equate to the proper temperature indicated on the temperature gauge dial.
Hazard Switch with wiring diagramPart # HSW,Price $115.00
Coolant TemperatureSender, Part # CTSPrice $30.00
The Temperature Gauge Compensator does not use a resistor that inhibits the maximum range of the temperature gauge reading. This is critical if higher temperatures are to be indicated.
A/C Thermostat Switch(2 wire) Part # ACT, Price $65.00
The installation is easily accomplished by disconnecting the sensor wire, inserting the Temperature Gauge Compensator and connecting the wire to the TGC.NO NEED to install on temperature sender, installs easily on the temperature gauge.
Battery Cable SetComplete set of cables made in-house for the Pantera.American made tin plated copper lugs are crimped to the cable with a 5 ton press. The cable is a high wire count to allow flexing during installation.Each crimped terminal joint is filled with a silicon gel prior to the heat shrink installation. This provides a sealed joint that cannot be contaminated.Custom cable for solenoid-less starter connection is also available.Battery Cable Set, Part # BCSprice $400.00
Dimmer Switch RestorationPrice $105.00
1971 / 72 Wiper SwitchRestorationPrice $160.00
Ammeters are the only true indication of current flow in both battery charge and discharge.If the ammeter feels very warm or hot while driving, this means failure is imminent. This failure takes time as the internal plastic parts soften and deteriorate.This is characterized by the ammeter pointer moving in an unstable manner.If removed before severe damage occurs the ammeter can be repaired and improved. We repair the Veglia ammeter by disassembly and replacing the damaged components with redesigned components so that failure will not reoccur.